Grow Solar powered by the Midwest Renewable Energy Association (MREA) new Solar for Humanity initiative is an exciting partnership between Wisconsin Habitat for Humanity affiliates and Focus On Energy (FOE), a Wisconsin energy efficiency program.
This initiative is so much more than installing affordable renewable energy on homes built by Habitat for Humanity. It will provide Habitat homeowners energy independence and ongoing reduced utility bills. When all the Habitat for Humanity solar projects are finished, roughly 357 kW of solar will be installed, collectively reducing energy bills for these families by at least $50,323 in just the first year of commissioning.
The program was able to work with Habitat affiliates across the state of Wisconsin resulting in 56 installations, and would not be possible without the support and collaboration from the Habitat for Humanity of Wisconsin, affiliates and FOE.
Habitat for Humanity affiliates: Chippewa Valley, Dane County, Door County, Greater Fox Cities Area, Kenosha, La Crosse Area, Lakeside, Milwaukee, Racine, St. Croix Valley, Washington and Dodge Counties, and Wisconsin River Area.