Purpose & Background:
The Midwest Renewable Energy Association (MREA) is seeking qualified firms to submit proposals for the design, procurement, and installation of new residential and small commercial photovoltaic systems as part of a bulk purchasing effort to lower prices. The group buy program is offered by the MREA with support from other local partners. The MREA will coordinate and deliver a minimum of six free, public Solar Power Hour information sessions and market them widely with email blasts, paid social media promotion, promotional partnerships, press releases and more. Presentations will be a combination of webinars and in-person events.
- RFP Announced: February 18, 2025
- RFP Questions Due/Posted: March 4, 2025
- RFP Proposals Due: March 18, 2025
- Firm Selected: March, 2025
About MREA:
Between 2013 and 2024, the MREA facilitated over 70 Solar Group Buy programs around the Midwest, reaching over 14,500 individuals with our Solar Power Hour information sessions, and leading to more than 24,900 kW on over 3,400 properties.
Questions + Answers
To calculate simple payback, do you want a utility rate increase included in calculation? If so, what percentage?
It is up to the installer to determine if a utility rate increase is included in the calculation for simple payback. Oftentimes installers utilize their in-house software to build in a calculation for utility rate increases that helps the customer anticipate the impact of that on their pay back period, however it is up to the installer to provide that calculation as part of the proposal.
Page 10 Part 4 C b – What happens to projects we know are going to be installed later than 2/28/26? Ex: Customer signs on 9/29 and either needs a new roof, or doesn’t want to install PV if roof has snow/ice.
For projects that are going to be installed later than the deadline, we ask that you simply keep us informed of their status. In your example, a short note in our project tracker such as “waiting for new roof” would be sufficient.
Page 14 – Can you define “US made modules” domestic content or us made?
American-made solar panels are panels that are assembled in the United States using mostly or entirely US-made parts and materials.
If a customer outside the group buy territory wants to be included, can their kW’s be counted towards this program?
Certainly! If our installer is willing to offer the group buy pricing to property owners that are not within the defined area, we would be happy to include them. Note that our marketing and events will be taking place solely within the program area.
Desired Qualifications – part 1: Will employees who are licensed electricians doing the field work be awarded points if they are not NABCEP credential holders? Licensed electricians are required to take continuing education and understand the NEC more thoroughly than a NABCEP certificate holder.
NABCEP or Distributed Generation Certification as well as any Journeyman Electrician or other certified staff involved in this project will be considered for evaluating the RFP
Business Practices – part B and C: are these duplicated or are you looking for two separate contract examples?
Under the section on Business Practices, item B. requests a sample customer contract that includes a description of the firm’s terms of payment, process, and timeline, from initial deposit to final payment. Item C. requests a sample customer contract that represents program pricing that also includes a description of the firm’s terms of payment, process, and timeline, from initial deposit to final payment. While there is duplication in these two questions, item B. requests a description of the terms of payment and item C. requests program pricing that also includes terms of payment, etc.
In lieu of offering a credit to initial customers if the program capacity increases (payment to the customer for a lower $/watt level reached), can we bill the customer a lower value up front and then invoice them a certain $/watt amount if we don’t reach a certain price level?
The program is based on the tiered structure that provides a rebate incentive at the end of the program. In consideration of full transparency to consumers, the up-front pricing for what a customer will pay without the rebate is provided at the time of their initial proposal and the rebate is generated at the end of the program for all customers.